The CBCF has given me so much and saying thank you is just not enough. This program has enhanced my networking skills to levels that I couldn’t imagine. You always hear people say that you need to step outside of your comfort zone and speak up. Typically, I was one of the people who heard this information and let it go in one ear then out the other. This program has changed that in me. I was literally forced to go outside of my comfort zone. Opinionated conversations, which I would only tend to have with my family or friends, happened nearly every day in this program. It has taught me that life is very short and that if you don’t speak up for what you believe in, you will be left amongst the crowd. I also learned that there are people that look like me that fight every day for causes that matter.
This has inspired me to continue to fight for what I believe in. There are not a lot of people that look like me throughout the government. This is due to a lack of education and resources. I understand that I am in a place of privilege now and I must give back. My mere words will not cut it. It is my duty to share all of the opportunities that the CBCF provides to people with or without an interest in government. With the dissemination of this information, the bar will be raised in competition and provide insight into what the CBCF stands for. When I am in a fortunate financial position to donate, I plan to give back monetarily. It is my hope to provide more of these opportunities for the cohorts that will come behind me. I didn’t leave the CBCF with only enhanced skills, I left the CBCF with a global family.
Help support the mission of the CBCF through the “Give Us A 5!” campaign. Your donation will ensure that emerging leaders like me get the opportunity and skills needed to excel beyond all limits. Visit to donate today!