
If We Don’t Celebrate Our Brothers…Who Will?

Roughly two years ago, after recent gun violence incident in South Florida, a local community group hosted a much needed “Stop the Gun Violence” town hall.

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Two Faith Leaders on Youth Violence and Solutions – Part 2 of 2

“America’s schools were not designed to do what we’re asking them to do…there has to be a collaborative effort between church, schools and community. Kids need something different…Our kairos moment is now.” -- Rev. Dr. Velma Union

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Two Faith Leaders on Youth Violence and Solutions – Part 1 of 2

Since the death of Michael Brown, our nation has heard from diverse parts of Brown’s Ferguson, Missouri community, as well as thoughtful political and legal analysis from noted experts. I’ve reported on this incident in three previous ‘village’ reports.

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44th Annual Legislative Conference – HIV/AIDS Braintrust

HIV is having a greater impact on the African-American community than on any other racial or ethnic group in the United States.

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44th Annual Legislative Conference – Celebration of Leadership in the Fine Arts

On Wednesday September 24th, 2014, the official start date of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference, the Congressional Black Caucus Spouses hosted an awards ceremony honoring three standout icons in the fine arts.

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44th Annual Legislative Conference Highlights – Sept. 27

At the My Brother's Keeper Town Hall panelists shared stories of trial and triumph, hope, and, most importantly, the blueprint for a plan of action.

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44th Annual Legislative Conference Highlights – Sept. 26

In a sort of rites of passage, members of the Congressional Black Caucus set the tone for the remainder of today’s Emerging Leaders Series sessions during the National Town Hall by urging us to take an active stand against the injustices we face today.

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44th Annual Legislative Conference Highlights – Sept. 25

Speaking to a standing room only crowd during the 2014 Emerging Leaders Town Hall, Songstress and Activist Ledisi stated emphatically, “We have to tap into our collective power.”

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What Would I Say if I Were Janay (Rice)?

For the last several weeks like much of the world, I have witnessed what has happened and is happening in, with and to the NFL.

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A Tale of Two Elevators: Mind Your Business…Maaaan

Two elevators, two incidents, two marriages, one heap of public scrutiny. Do we as the public only support marriages if they purport to match our idea of what a “healthy” marriage looks like—publicly?

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