
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Recently, I attended an open school night event at a public school in Brooklyn, NY as a favor to a friend who is a single mother.

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African American Children and Obesity: 4 Steps to Break the Obesity Cycle

A few studies have shown that when one parent in the household is obese, a child is 3 times more likely to be obese.

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Paul Ryan and the Language of the Disaffected

So, for some reason, Representative Paul Ryan has spurred a lively national debate about race, racism and poverty. Some people have labeled his comments as racist; some people have labeled him as an unfortunate truth-teller.

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The Lessons of Lupita: Word, Sound & Power

For the last few months the world has been enamored by and enchanted with the now Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong’o.

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A Walk Down Memory Lane

On Saturday, Feb. 22, in celebration of Black History Month, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) collaborated with Instagram to co-host an InstaMeet.

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Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Hosts First-Ever Black History Month #CBCFInstaMeet

In celebration of Black History Month, our first-ever InstaMeet tour will feature three significant, African-American historical sites: Ben’s Chili Bowl, the African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation and New Bethel Baptist Church.

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Back to Christmas Basics

I think it is time that we re-evaluated our perception of Christmas. I am not saying that there is something wrong with the act of buying gifts for others, for it is a great expression of love but I am saying lets change this environment we have developed where people feel pushed to make bad financial decisions.

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What Do Today’s Youth Know About Nelson Mandela?

What will the discussions be as it pertains to civil rights in this country and countries around the world now that Nelson Mandela has passed? What are we encouraging our children to learn?

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Can Higher Education Help Solve our Problem with Gun Violence?

A few weeks ago I read an essay, "Why I hate being a black man". There isn’t much in it that I could relate to but there was one thing that forced me to reflect.

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Can We Finally Kill the N-word?

On June 9, 2007, a grand funeral was held, but the entity in the casket (I’m sad to say) is alive and well. Buried on that day was the “N-word.”

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