
Is the Man in Blue Still a Friend to You?

What is being done today to foster positive relationships between students, particularly students of color, and law enforcement? What steps are being taken to restore faith in our justice system?

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Profile of the Racially Profiled

In the past couple of weeks there has been much news about racial profiling resulting in the unjust accosting and humiliation of movie star Rob Brown seeking to buy a Movado watch for his mother at Macy’s New York, and a black teen being detained under the assumption that he could not afford a high end belt from Barney’s.

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I Used to Love H.E.R.

I love hip hop. At the same time, I hate hip hop. The truth is, that I really just hate how much I love hip hop. As much as she may irk me at times, I cannot divorce her, she is just as much a part of me as the O+ blood that pumps through my veins.

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The Moral Economics of Food Stamps

On Nov. 1, the federal government rolled back food stamp benefits for more than 47 million Americans who receive them.

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Generation of Lost Ones: It Takes A Village

I have expressed this before, and will express it again: we need our village back. We need the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood; to look out for one another.

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Poverty: The Silent Community Killer

Following a wave of violent crime in South Florida, State Rep. Shevrin Jones and Florida Senator Oscar Braynon II hosted a Choose Peace/Stop Violence community town hall meeting.

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I’m 43 Years Old and I Still Suffer from “Father Issues”

"She has daddy issues" is how we tend to describe women who are either sexually loose or emotionally dysfunctional when it comes to intimacy and relationships.

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It’s Hoodie Weather. Be Careful.

I must admit. I have not lost the momentum that I gained from my attendance at last month’s 43rd Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). The sessions, the information, the people—all inspired me to go back to my community and be that catalyst for needed change.

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The Republic Holds: Why Hostage Negotiations Don’t Work in America

Over the past two months, we have watched a drama play out in the nation’s Capital that left our government shuttered and close to defaulting on its debt obligations.

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The Error with the “Stop & Frisk” Era

In New York City between 2004 and 2012, 4 million New Yorkers were stopped by the NYPD; 84 percent of those stopped were of black and Latino origin.

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