
America’s Default: The Culture of No Consequences

The definition of culture, like America, has a storied and contested history. Not only do cultures change over time, (due to the influence of social, cultural, political, economic and intellectual shifts) but the very notion of culture itself is constantly changing as a consequence of, among other factors, over determined human interactions.

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The Role of the Black Church in Creating Change

Historically the black church has been a place for creating individual, systemic, and political change within the black community.

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50 Shades of Politics: Vote your Conscious or Your Color?

For the last 12 years, New York City or “Gotham City” as I love to call it, has been colored by streaks of yellow, red and white. That would be cowardice yellow, an unrighteous red, cloaked in a very pale white.

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Why We Have to Let Our Babies Teach—A Lesson I Learned From Mr. Johns

In reference to my recent attendance of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.’s 43rd Annual Legislative Conference (ALC), I have returned to my community ready and eager to do the work I am purposely charged to do.

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Crime and Punishment in America

This past Thursday through Saturday, I was fortunate enough to attend my first Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference in its 43rd iteration.

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Holy Healthcare Reform America!: Obamacare Coming to a Community Near You

Last weekend, on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013 I had the extreme pleasure of attending the “Making Good Health My Reality” town hall meeting held in Brooklyn, New York.

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Is College Too Expensive?

According to recent data released by the United States Census Bureau, college enrollment by African Americans declined by 108,000 in the year 2012.

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Curbing the Culture of Violence

On March 8, 1998, my brother, Henry Lee Baber III, was shot 14 times by an unknown suspect and died instantly in Los Angeles.

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Let’s Remember the Dream by Closing the Wealth Gap

Yesterday, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech and the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in a ceremony that was capped off by the Commander in Chief himself.

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The Student Loan Debt Problem

On August 23 as I was in transit from Kingston, Jamaica to Orlando, Florida, an interview of President Obama aired on CNN’s New Day.

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