
A Rite of Passage

This past Saturday, I had the privilege of praying with one of my younger cousins, as she embarked on a new journey in her life: going away to college.

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The “Dream” in Action: Power Through Youth Activism

On Nov. 28, 2012, Dillard University, my home institution, held their 3rd annual Revius Ortique Lecture Series which honors Justice Revius O. Ortique, Jr, a pioneering civil rights activist for more than 60 years, and the first African American elected to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

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Obamacare – The Problems with Progress

President Barack Obama believed that all Americans should have quality and affordable healthcare, and as such, the President talked at length at times to the American public about his ideas to make this belief a reality.

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The Assault on Black Men in America

For many years, but especially recent months, I have watched and listened with disbelief, horror and rage at the many things that have happened and are happening to and with our black men, especially our black boys; from sagging pants, wayward, disrespectful, violent behavior; to their nonchalant attitude for human life and the complete disregard for, to and about their own; to the great loss of their lives in mass numbers.  Not ALL black boys or black men are this or these categories.

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Turn Your Emotion to Action

I was deeply heart broken when I heard the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial. So much so that I didn't want talk about it, yet I could not get my mind off of the number of young black males that are shot, killed and buried every day in our communities.

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The Black Man Continues to be a Target in America

While according to the most recent census, African-Americans make up 13.6 percent of the population yet in 2011, according to the FBI; African-Americans accounted for half of all murder victims in the nation that year.

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10 Years of PEPFAR: The Emergence of Global Health Diplomacy as a Pillar of US Foreign Policy and International Development Strategy

Passed in 2003,  President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is the largest monetary commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Unfortunately, many Americans here and abroad, including those who are generally well informed, know nothing about PEPFAR.

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Brothers, We Need To Talk…

After the outrage over Trayvon Martin ceases, we are still left with “Chiraq". We are still left with “Bucktown” and multiple other cities where we are offing each other in record numbers.

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Fighting Racial Disparities

Well before the verdict in the Zimmerman trial, African Americans have been all too aware of disparities in not just the judicial system, but also in healthcare, education, and employment.

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As a lover of language, a scholar, and a college professor of English Composition and the Humanities for the past 12 years, I GOT IT! I GET IT! I understood EVERY word that Miss Rachel Jeantel spoke while she was on the witness stand two weeks ago and during her post trial interviews.

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