
The Trial and Conviction of Trayvon Martin

Over the past 17 months, I have watched along with the rest of America as the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman saga unfolded.

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Take a Seat at the Table

In 2011, I had an opportunity to attend my first ever National Urban League Legislative Policy Conference and what a defining moment that experience was for me.

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My Open Letter to the Black Community

My name is Nicole Angela Tinson, and I am from South Central Los Angeles. I am writing you because we are in trouble!

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The Demise of The Voting Rights Act

Last week, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) was unconstitutional, and did so on the grounds that the increased voter registration, voter turnout and increased minority office-holders make preclearance a hindrance on state sovereignty.

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The Mean in Paula Deen’s Not So Sweet Cream

Ms. Deen! Ms. Deen! Ms. Deen!  I was and am wondering how black crow tastes. Or better yet, how is that all time favorite meal, called, “foot in the mouth?”

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Reinvesting In Our Communities

Many of our African-American communities are suffering, lacking the basic necessities to thrive and navigate through tough economic challenges.

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Can Socialnomics Level the Playing Field?

While I am not asserting that the internet or social media has completely leveled the playing field; I am asserting that technology has given black professionals and entrepreneurs tools that our predecessors could only dream about.

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Financing the Pursuit of the American Dream

As a proud graduate of a private institution, I understand too well the burden of student loan debt.

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The Black Community and Mental Illness: Let’s End the Stigma

For far too many of us, particularly in the African-American community, our moods are negatively affected by both external and internal factors.

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The Need for Diversity Experts in a Post-Racial America

A job description for a position soliciting a diversity and inclusion manager read, “…manager will use expertise and knowledge of best practices in this area to effectively design, develop, and implement initiatives to improve the diversity of the workforce and promote an inclusive culture for all employees.” 

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