
America’s Greatest Mental Illness

Thursday, June 18, 2015 is a day Charleston and the nation will never forget. While hosting bible study, Reverend Clementa Pinckney and eight parishioners were gruesomely murdered at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. 

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On Charleston…a Petition for a Remedy of Apathy

To those who live in counties and cities all across the nation: I have a literal question. How many more of these types of incidents whether racial, gun violence related, or acts of terrorism?

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The Disoriented Trilogy for the Black Male Manhood ~ Masculinity ~ Manliness

Imagine the total number of younger and older black males who lack awareness that the trilogy of manhood, masculinity and manliness even exist.

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“CBCF Perspectives” OPINION: Remove the Confederate Flag from the South Carolina Statehouse

As a South Carolina native, this week’s shooting at Emanuel AME Church affected me profoundly and personally.

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Dear Sister Rachel Dolezal

After watching your interview recently on the Today Show; I wanted to reach out to you in sisterly love; not sisterly love because you identify as “black”, but sisterly love; woman to woman; as an African woman.

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Who Will Save our Boys? Public Policy or Personal Ownership?

I recently had the amazing opportunity to attend my first Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit in Atlanta, GA, a three-day business event tailored to both established business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

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“CBCF Perspectives” OPINION: CBCF Remembers the 61st Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education

In May, the CBCF takes a moment to acknowledge the historic Brown v. Board ruling that ended the legal foundation for discrimination on May 17, 1954.

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“CBCF Perspectives” OPINION: The Issue is Police Brutality, Not Rioting

The African-American body is undervalued and unappreciated in America. Even more so, the life of the African-American man, as precious as it is, is in constant danger of being eradicated. As I organized my thoughts to write this piece, I had to ask myself: Why exactly are you mad?

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“CBCF Perspectives” OPINION: Law Enforcement and Communities of Color: Why Loretta Lynch Needs to be Confirmed

Every 28 hours a black man, woman, or child is killed by police or vigilante law enforcement. News accounts about this startling statistic have forced a national dialogue on the ongoing tension between law enforcement and communities of color.

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A Reflection on Ferguson’s Shame

I've reviewed the detailed report by the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that was released on March 4, 2015.

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