Unshackling the Vote: Restoring Civic Participation for Persons Recently Released from Incarceration
H.R. 4987 aims to safeguard the federal voting rights of individuals upon their release from incarceration. This policy brief explores the implications and importance of H.R. 4987, delving into the benefits for both individuals seeking a fresh start after reintegration and the broader Black community, as well as what is at stake for the 2024 election cycle if legislation of its kind remains unimplemented.

Black Boys and the Class Ceiling
It has long been understood that educational outcomes heavily correlate with economic consequences. This publication highlights the disparities intersecting across racial, gender, and socioeconomic lines, resulting in inferior outcomes for Black boys and a “class ceiling” for Black men.

MaaS Revolution: Mobility Beyond the First/Last Mile in Black Communities
Public transportation agencies in the United States are exploring new Mobility as a Services (MaaS) models to supplement traditional services, yet transportation disparities persist in Black communities and disproportionately impact access. This publication highlights the effects of historical red lining practices and offers policy recommendations to keep Black communities in mind.

Breathing Injustice: Environmental Inequality and its Impact on Black Health
The United States’ long-standing practices of racism have resulted in health inequities that disproportionately affect the Black community. This policy brief sheds light on the critical intersection between environmental justice and Black health, examining environmental hazards, health disparities, and potential solutions.

Education Equity Under Threat: The Defunding of Title I and Title II Programs
In response to the proposed $60.3 billion cut in the Fiscal Year 2024 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, this policy brief delves into the potential consequences for education equity, focusing on Title I and Title II programs.

Eliminating Barriers to Reentry for Returning Citizens: A 50 State Examination of Reentry Practices
This case study examines barriers returning citizens encounter, current state and federal reentry practices/legislation, and policy solutions to ensure returning citizens adequately acclimate to their communities.

Safeguarding Disability Benefits as the Debt Ceiling Falls
This fact sheet examines the role of the Executive Branch, Congress, and the community in implementing preventive measures toward economic security.

Preserving the Integrity of American Education
This policy brief offers a concise overview of the historical context that necessitates its creation, the essential aspects, and details of H.Res. 615: Condemning Revisionist Education and Revisionist History in Relation to the African American Experience, and its role in rectifying historical accuracy and fostering racial equity within the realm of education.

Understanding the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis
This policy brief examines the Biden-Harris Administration’s substantial financial commitment toward the maternal health crisis, provides an overview of the extensive repercussions of the maternal health crisis, and offers a detailed analysis of the strategies proposed.

NREI 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Guide
As companies seek ways to address systemic and social injustice beyond a reactionary response, CBCF introduces this CSR and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) guide to offer forward-thinking, racially progressive strategies and best practices that will create earnest value and impact for all Black stakeholders.