
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Center for Policy Analysis and Research regularly publishes policy briefs, fact sheets, and reports addressing key public policy issues affecting the global Black community, including criminal justice, education access, economic development, public health, voting rights, and Black representation in the ever-growing technology sector.

Decriminalizing School Misbehavior: Alternatives to School Referrals and Arrests

Like suspensions and expulsions, the harmful impact of student referrals and arrests cannot be overstated. This report examines the progress made in recent years and recommends school discipline policies that support students at school, improve public safety, and reduce systemic disparities.

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Perpetual Punishment: A State-by-State Analysis of Welfare Benefit Bans for People
with Prior Felony Drug Convictions

This study examines the current landscape of SNAP and TANF benefits for people with prior felony drug convictions, assesses the impact of the state-level bans, and offer policy recommendations on changes to eliminate the ban and other barriers faced by formerly incarcerated people.

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Op-Ed: Safeguarding Our Democracy

Most Americans believe in democracy as shown in our recent midterms, particularly younger generations. However, we are amid rhetoric that features violent undertones, electoral denials, and a flurry of unreliable information.

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2021 Annual Report

Read the 2021 Annual Report by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

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Federal Legislative Solutions to Curb Qualified Immunity for School Resource Officers & Other School Officials

This report examines the inconsistent application of qualified immunity doctrine in courts around the country and how it impacts Black children — often leaving them vulnerable to having their constitutional rights violated in schools without recourse.

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The Clean Slate Act: A Pathway to Criminal Justice Reform

This brief looks at The Clean Slate Act, a federal bipartisan bill, and how it can provide a second chance to Americans with low-level and nonviolent federal convictions.

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The Power of Rest: Examining the Racial Disparities of Sleep & its Connections to Black Health Outcomes

Sleep plays a critical role in helping our bodies recover from the day and prepare for the next. This publication explores the systemic barriers impacting Black sleep health and how policymakers can help.

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NREI Fact Sheet: Inflation Reduction Act & Black America

This fact sheet outlines the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act and how it addresses the climate, health, and economic challenges disproportionately impacting the Black community.

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NREI Research Op-Ed: HBCUs Should Receive More than 1% of Federal Research Funding

This research op-ed explores the importance of federal research dollars, disparities in federal research funding, implications of HBCU federal research funding gap, and provides suggestions on how policy can help to support the research activities and personnel at HBCUs.

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The Black Dollar Part 2: Cooperative Economics

This report explores how Black communities have collaborated to sustain themselves and their economies throughout histories. Despite generations of forced migration and intentional disruption of community building, the African diaspora in the United States facilitated cooperative systems to supply community needs and improve their outcomes.

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