A few studies have shown that when one parent in the household is obese, a child is 3 times more likely to be obese.
Read MoreThe Moral Economics of Food Stamps
On Nov. 1, the federal government rolled back food stamp benefits for more than 47 million Americans who receive them.
Read MoreI’m 43 Years Old and I Still Suffer from “Father Issues”
“She has daddy issues” is how we tend to describe women who are either sexually loose or emotionally dysfunctional when it comes to intimacy and relationships.
Read More10 Years of PEPFAR: The Emergence of Global Health Diplomacy as a Pillar of US Foreign Policy and International Development Strategy
Passed in 2003, President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is the largest monetary commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Unfortunately, many Americans here and abroad, including those who are generally well informed, know nothing about PEPFAR.
Read MoreCBCF to Host 5th Annual National HIV Testing Day Event
To help encourage African Americans to get tested and to know their HIV status, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) has joined forces with WHUR 96.3 FM radio and the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) for the fifth year in a row to support National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) on Thursday, June 27, 2013.
Read MoreThe Black Community and Mental Illness: Let’s End the Stigma
For far too many of us, particularly in the African-American community, our moods are negatively affected by both external and internal factors.
Read MoreBlack Teenage Pregnancy Stereotypes…Or Are They?
Recently, my brother called to vent about an NPR report on teen pregnancy. Apparently a brouhaha had developed among some in the black community who saw the report as “racially biased”.
Read MoreShine the Spotlight on our Health and Wellness
March is National Women’s History Month. This is the perfect time to remind ourselves as black women to reflect and celebrate!
Read MoreHealthy New Year, Healthy New You!
Every New Year, the number one resolution on everyone’s list is to lose weight. While the beginning of anything always sparks excitement, we could all dig a little deeper and make a stronger commitment to ourselves beyond losing weight to look great.
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